6 January 2021
Joe Biden won the USA presidential election on
3 November 2020.
Donald Trump did not accept his loss, and incited a mob to storm the capitol building to stop the counting of the
Electoral College votes.

20 January 2021
Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the USA.
Kamala Harris is the first women to be Vice President of the US.

Biden and Harris and their spouses looking at 500 lights to honor the 500 000 Americans that have died in the Covid 19 pandemic to date.

8-12 February 2021
Lunar New Year

Tian Tiana & Nelius Paige & Willie

Anna Paige Tiana

Alex & Anna

Tiana & Nelius


17 February 2021
Tonight I wrote the last sentence of Volume 5
(which contains notes on 400 texts from the Hebrew Bible)
in the series
Biblical Hebrew for All
(Started writing Volume 1 on 15 September 2014)

21 February
An afternoon trip to the neighboring town of Tien Ky

I have reached an important milestone in my life.
8 March 2021
Women's Day

8 April 2021
What a day !!!

April 2021

30 April 2021
Reunification Day
My Son Heritage site

Tiana Nelius Anna Betty
7 May 2021
All 5 my babies together.

June 2021

Josh is ready for the South African winter.

Reiden, the 2 months old son of
Ilke and Stefan Griesel
came to visit the Hattingh's.

2 July 2021
Mom passed away early this morning.
Hamba kahle Oumamma.

After a two month delay due to the Covid-19 virus,
I received my proof copy of
Biblical Hebrew for All
Volume 1

22 July 2021
I have always (and still) believe in angels.
They sent me these gifts from heaven, and their names are
Tiana and Nelius van der Merwe

5 August 2021
My first Hebrew lesson online with
Adefia (Herman) Boateng from Ghana.

Herman Jo Boateng
Notes from the class

9 / 11

Meanwhile in Vietnam
Saturday 11 Sept. 2021

Sunday 12 Sept. 2021

Sunday 17 October 2021
My dear Ukrainian friends Anna and Alex came to Vietnam on holiday almost two years ago, and because of Covid, have been stuck here ever since.
So they decided to postpone no longer,
and tied the proverbial knot here in Tam Ky.

A sumptuous meal
(vegetarian of course)
was prepared by a team of volunteering ladies.

January 2022
My grandson, Ben Jr., on his first day at Monument High.
The same school where I graduated from in 1969.

Lunar New Year February 2022
University Guest House Year End Party

AMA English Club

Vietnamese Cuisine

Innovative street vendor in Tam Ky

Work, work, work.

A quiet street scene turns into a bustling flower market during TET

TET holiday is a time for "lucky money" and food.

All my life I have not been much of a breakfast person.
Vietnam changed all that.


11 February 2022
I received my proof copy of
Biblical Hebrew for All
(Volume 2)

I am pleased to meet my newest Biblical Hebrew student.
Feidy Timotius Jonatan

24 February 2022
President Putin of Russia orders his troops to invade Ukraine.

24 March 2022
After 5 years with my first motorbike / scooter here in Vietnam.
I have decided to trade it in for a younger model.

20 April 2022
I received my proof copy of
Biblical Hebrew for All
(Volume 3)

24 April
Cambridge Graduation Ceremony

Farewell to Mr Hoa and Mr Wi.

10 June 2022
I received my proof copy of
Biblical Hebrew for All
(Volume 4)

17 June 2022
Sunset in Tam Ky

5 August 2022
I received my final proof copy of
Biblical Hebrew for All
(Volume 5)

1-2 September 2022
Visit to Da Nang

3-4 September
AMA outing to Sunny Farm, Da Nang

28 September 2022
Typhoon Noru reached our shores.
During the storm we received 736 mm of rain,
and another 700 mm in the following week.

8 November 2022

Moon Hannah Antonio Tian Lily Khachi Nancy Julia

Speaking to my brother on the phone at 03:00 outside so as not to disturb the other guests in the guesthouse.

The new security guard at our parking area at the guest house.

November 2022
Teacher's Day

19 December 2022
Nora, Oliver, and Otto came to visit.

We visited Glabal English Center where Nora, Oliver, and I worked together in 2016.

Six years have passed since then.

Christmas 2022

26-29 December
Went to visit the Phong Nha Caves with my friends from Kuwait: Oliver, Otto, and Nora.
For more pics click here.

8 January 2023
After 4.5 years in the same room at the
Quang Nam Univerity Guest House,
I moved to a villa next to my workplace.

My stay here has been made possible by the generosity of my landlord and new friend Mr. Loi.

As it has been our custom for the past six years,
my two best friends and I get together
around the Tet New Year Holiday.

21 February 2023
Moved to a new apartment,

and needed some furniture.

I found an English-speaking church in Da Nang.

2 July 2023
My private students Ken and Jane in their home, learning to tell the time in English.

2 September 2023
Independence day lunch

30 July 2023
We found a new venue for our Sunday afternoon classes.

5 September 2023
Having an after-work beer with the AMA Boss, colleagues, and some friends.

2 November 2023
Came off my bike in some rainy weather
resulting in a cracked shoulder and some ribs.
Thank God, no permanent damage to me or the bike.

5 November 2023
With me unable to drive, we cancelled our normal Sunday evening lesson,
and had a great dinner together at my place.

3 January 2024
During a stroll in the park, I slipped, fell down, and ended up with a femoral neck fracture in my hip.

My Boss, Mr. Hans Hieu, responded immediately to my distress call
and ensured that I got to the hospital safely.

Chief Orthopedic Surgeon
Second in Charge of the Quang Nam Provincial Hospital
Dr. Thang
performed surgery and inserted a ceramic femur head.

My Boss, Mr. Hans Hieu had been very kind to me at this time.
He took care of the surgery and hospital costs of more than
$5,000 by providing me with a loan from the AMA Center for the total amount.
He visited me on a daily basis while I was in the ICU ward,
and also later in a private VIP room.

Hospitals in Vietnam (and China) do not provide for the daily requirements of patients like meals, bedding, water, etc.
Therefore patients have to be supported by family and/or friends.
These caregivers often sleep in the wards with the patients, like here in the ICU ward where I spent my first few days.

After a week in ICU, I was moved to a private VIP room, compliments of Dr. Thang.

Later, other colleagues, students, and friends came to visit.

After my release from hospital,
one of the young doctors regularly came to visit me at home to check my wound and ensure that I was OK.

In 2024, the Lunar New Year was on 8 February.

9 February 2024
For seven years now,
Lunar New Year's Eve coffee with my best friends.

11 February 2024
Julia, an old friend from my days in the Univesity Guest House came to visit and brought me some New Year Lucky Money.

13 February 2024
I'm so proud.
My son Charel achieves the highest possible Field Guide Level namely

12 - 27 April 2024
Family Visit
South Africa to Vietnam via Singapore

12 - 14 April
Da Nang
Welcome to Da Nang

15 - 19 April
Phong Nha
Da Nang - Phong Nha by train.

Breakfast with a view

Paradise Cave

Traditional lunch

Phong Nha Cave

Countryside biking

20 - 22 April
Tam Ky
The War Tunnels

Dinner with my AMA Boss

23 - 27 April
Hoi An

Cooking class

31 August 2024
Women's Day

Early morning Tam Ky

2 February 2025
Travelling back home today.
Seen in Vientaine (the capital of Laos) airport.

Spent the last night of my trip in Da Nang City,
and visited MOONMILK which is famous for foreign products.
This is where I get my blue cheese for example.

3 February 2025
Since 2018 my friends Anna and Betty and I have
met during the Tet New Year holidays.
