Christmas 2002. Jiahua, Shanyang
David was the boss,
and disappeared (to Canada?) soon afterwards.

Next to me is Molly and Amy, with the Aunt in the middle in front.

2004: A teacher at Jiahua has a birthday.

The new Jiahua boss.

My birthday, 8 Nov. 2004, Shenyang, China

My birthday in 2005 will be remembered for the girl who sang
the Wang Faye hit "Wo yuanyi" to me in a local bar.

Christmas 2007, Mission Hills.
Tom, me, Alex.
Ajax and Alice's housewarming. 6 July 2008.
Dumplings with Debbie. 26 July 2008.
Vicky leaves Mission Hills. 2008-09-22.

Lydia, Johannah, Landi.

6 years in China.
October 2008

Back: Steven
Front: Judy Jelly Emma Vicky


Steven and Lydia

Joyce John Jessica

Birthday: 08-Nov-2008
New Years dinner: 16 January 2009

Landi's birthday: 1 July 2009

Terri's son, Michael, on my left.
Chinese festival: 28 May 2009

Emma and Nancy are one year older
Tian and Leo's birthday: 6 November 2009
Celebrating with the Mission Hills Executive English class.