Afrikaans is the only language in the world, ever, that has a birth date.
The British were forcing English onto the white people of South Africa.
This led to a deep hatred of everything English among the people.
On 14 August 1875, eight South Africans,
all of Huguenot (French Protestant) descent,
came together in the town of Paarl
in the current Western Cape region of South Africa.
They founded an organization called
"Die Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners" (Society of Real Afrikaners),
with the sole purpose of giving birth to a new language. (1)
(The numbers in brackets refer to the footnotes as further reading at the end of the article).

From 15 January 1876 the society published a journal in Afrikaans called
"Die Afrikaanse Patriot"
as well as a number of books, including grammars, dictionaries, religious material and histories. Die Afrikaanse Patriot was succeeded in 1905 by today's Paarl newspaper.
On 8 May 1925, Afrikaans was recognized by the South African government as a real and official South African language, rather than simply a slang version of Dutch proper.
In Afrikaans, the word "apart" is identical in meaning to its English counterpart "apart" defined as,
"said of two or more people(s) or things that are separated by a distance."
In Afrikaans, the suffix "-heid" is used to transform adjectives into nouns.
For example: "gesond" (healthy) becomes "gesondheid" (health).
Apartheid, in this context, then means,
"the state in which two or more people(s) are kept separate." (2)
What were the main reasons for such a separation of peoples in South Africa?
a) Poverty
The "Arm Blanke Vraagstuk" (poor white problem),
was first noted at a Dutch Reformed Church Synod in 1886.
(Then, and to this day, 80% of white South Africans belong to this denomination).
This situation dominated South African society in the first decades of the twentieth century.
The causes for this social phenomenon are unclear.
Many blamed the inadequate education system, massive urbanization at the time, as well as low mining wages.
Some blamed external events such as the Rinderpest virus (Cattle plague) of the 1890's, which all but decimated the cattle stocks country wide.
Others blamed it on the aftermath of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902).
b) Political gain
Hendrik F. Verwoerd, (born Sept. 8, 1901 in Amsterdam, Netherlands),
as prime minister (1958–66), rigorously developed and applied the policy of Apartheid.
Apartheid was the political mechanism used by his and later governments at the time to ensure that the wealth and prosperity generated in the country would be utilized for the benefit of the white minority only.
We all know that a certain amount of money is able to ensure one a relatively high standard of living. This includes affordable housing, convenient transport, a high quality education for our children, affordable health care, etc. In other words, those items that are universally accepted as reasonable expectations in our modern day and age.
The minority was unwilling to lower their expectations, and even worse, share their wealth and affluence in uplifting the vast numbers of people among them.
For them Apartheid was a safe haven in which they were able to live
"the good life" irrespective of what was happening in the world around them. (3)
c) Religion
One should not underestimate the role of religion, and more specifically the influence of the Dutch Reformed Church as contributing factors which led to the establishment and entrenchment of the policy of Apartheid in the South African society.
Have Have-not

The amounts of natural resources found in this relatively small country is unsurpassed anywhere in the world.
Gold: South Africa produced 30% of the yearly world gold output in1993.
Diamonds: The South African diamond industry is among the world’s largest. (14 million carats in 2003).
Platinum: South Africa is the world’s largest producer of platinum ( about 70%).
Chromium: 100% of the world's total production in 2005,
Coal: Immense known deposits lie mostly at easily mined depths,
Uranium: South Africa has the second-largest reserves in the world.
In the hands of ingenious and hard-working Europeans, and assisted by discriminatory laws giving them substantial advantages, the situation in the Apartheid era resulted in an ultra-prosperous economy and enormous levels of wealth for the white minority.

6 January 2021
Joe Biden won the presidential election on 3 November 2020.
Donald Trump does not accept his loss, and incited a mob to storm the capitol building to stop the counting of the Electorial College votes.

20 January 2021
Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President.
Kamala Harris is the first women to be Vice president.