1 July 2010
I started at Jiahua Language School in Shenzhen.
The name is the same as the first place I worked at in China
in 2002.
The entrance with Donna and Fion.
Views from the front office.
Bernie, our first IELTS student.
With Leo, our second student, in the classroom.
August 2010, and our number of IELTS students have grown.
Back: Me Penny Lynn Candy Bernie
Front: Gerrard Betty Tuth
31 October 2010.
My last day at Jiahua as a full-time teacher.
At the opening of the new JiaHua Nanshan branch.

14 December 2012
JiaHua Futian teachers and staff

10 January 2013

17 June 2013
The teachers at our new branch in KeXueGuan.
Diana and Nancy
8 November 2013
Phil in heaven with
Joanna Lily The Man Helen Stella
The Magnificent Seven
30 November 2013
Sky & Sky
22 December 2013
Christmas party and auction

